our products WHAT IS CoffeeTECH This is an integrated service that gives digitalization solutions to the coffee cooperatives sub-sector.CoffeeTECH does the following: 1. MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES AT FCSs/UNIONS & MILLS. This component digitalizes:Weighing of cherry and parchment.Issuance of receipts and messages to farmers/FCSs.Payments to the farmers.Automation of requisition of Farm inputs.The FCSs/MILL/UNION accounts and the finance departments. 2. MEMBERSHIP This component is farmer central and it revolutionizes services to farmersthrough their mobile phones e.g.Checking on their financial statements.Checking on their farm-inputs requisition statements.Viewing their pay slips.Viewing of their daily and periodical coffee deliveries.Sending and receiving messages from their cooperatives.Receiving notifications from their cooperatives.Receiving NCE auction reports directly into their phones. 3. MARKETING .The marketing component:Transmits NCE auction reports to farmers and onward to farmers phones.Transmits marketing catalogues and other marketing data to FCSs and onward to farmers BENEFITS CoffeeTECH is a service that will bring the following benefits to the coffee cooperatives sub-sector.Compliance to government digitalization requirements.Better service delivery to the customer i.e the farmer.Marketing transparency.Farmer satisfaction and retention.Reduction of losses through digitalization of day-to-day processes.